viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2012

Welcome to our new blog!!!

Hello everyone. This is my first blog post, so I might as well introduce myself. I´m an English teacher at the School of Languages “Johan Ferrandez D’Heredia” in Calatayud. If you start blogging you´ll be able to revise some of the contents studied in our lessons!! You might also find interesting topics that will help you to improve your English language. So... why don’t you join in? I hope you enjoy it!...

1 comentario:

  1. Hello MFD. Even though your name is encripted, I know you. I am JAD, maybe your oldest pupil

    Congratulations to all EOI staff for this blog.

    By the way, it is a great idea, for saving the enviroment, that reader's corner is available for downloading. I totally agree
